People are at the core of a successful enterprise, and they deserve much more than a way to make a living. Our first priority is the protection of the health and safety of our people. We apply employee health, safety and emergency preparedness standards that meet and often exceed regulatory requirements. We believe strongly that every employee should be treated with respect and dignity. That is why our employee code of conduct and human resources policies and practices reflect our firm commitment to providing a workplace that is safe, inclusive, and ethical. We provide fair performance-based compensation and offer opportunities for our people to advance their careers. The benefits and assistance we offer as an employer are aimed at helping our people have healthy, balanced lives. We support this commitment through well-defined policies and in compliance with rights and responsibilities provided for in local laws. Through our relationships with our people, we are guided by human rights principles established in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. These principles call for creating environments free from discrimination, prohibitions against child and forced labor, freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining.
The company’s management team assesses Budge’s business operations around the world, helping to ensure compliance of human rights principles for our business and with our customer relationships.
The productivity of our business model is increasingly more dependent on working with partners and suppliers from around the world. While globalization increases our ability to compete more effectively in the marketplace, it adds a heightened responsibility to ensure that these third parties act on behalf of Budge in a manner consistent with our ethical business practices. The company’s high standards for human rights and sustainable business practices are manifested in supplier relationships in the manufacturing of Budge products. We respect laws, labor practices and customs in the countries in which we operate, ensuring alignment with our high standards and codes of conduct, many of which exceed the requirements dictated by local laws and regulations. We serve to be a positive influence in communities, demonstrating that respect for human rights fosters successful businesses and successful people, all of which help to nurture successful economies and develop stronger communities.
Joseph Goldblum, CEO